Archive For October 2017

Chickpea Devilled Eggs from Whole Foods Market Makes 2 dozen Which came first, the chickpea or the egg? These rich and tangy devilled eggs with chickpeas (a.k.a. garbanzo beans) are inspired by hummus, yet have an irresistible appeal all their own. Ingredients 1 dozen eggs 1 cup canned chickpeas, rinsed and drained,…

It’s a sign of a fine cookbook! I have turned the pages and have actually mused on presenting a dinner party, family dinner and afternoon tea using offerings from within these covers. It’s not often that I am inspired to cook anything from review cookbooks, other than the odd recipe here and there, but The…

Hot Pot: a sumptuous DIY event Hot Pot is a sociable activity that allows family and friends to gather together around the pot to celebrate the tradition of sharing – the tradition of Hot Pot. With over 150 Hot Pot restaurants in Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, this particular branch in London’s Chinatown has won me…

I was expecting something special. It was coming from Face Publications and their books are superb! I wasn’t disappointed with Hook Line Sinker! Hook Line Sinker – A Seafood Cookbook by Galton Blackiston impresses before one even opens the cover: the pages are edged in shining silver. The transparent dust jacket shimmers. A quality presentation…

Celery Citrus Salad from Whole Foods Market Serves 4 Crunchy celery contrasts with sweet, tender citrus in this lovely salad that perfectly exhibits how a touch of highly flavorful ingredients–balsamic vinegar and feta–can elevate a dish without adding too much in the way of fat or sodium. Ingredients 5 satsumas, clementines or…

Diners at the front tables of Chino Latino have a stunning view To the untutored this location might not seem the best, being on the ‘other side of the river’. However, it has great transport links, being set between Waterloo and Vauxhall stations, with fleets of convenient red buses running past the door – or…