Burpee Cucumber ‘Prolific’ and Curry

Cucumber ‘Prolific’ (sometimes also known as ‘Brocade’)

A fascinating and useful cucurbit originating in South East Asia. It is a versatile variety known locally as ‘Sambar Southekai’ that can be used in a wide range of dishes. Fruits can be stored in cool dry conditions for months after harvest. Plants are similar in growth to an indeterminate cucumber and bear green, ovoid fruit with yellow stripes. High level of resistance to powdery mildew.

Cucumis sativus General Sowing information:

  • Sow at 21-24C singly in small pots Feb onwards 1.25cm deep.
  • Pot up into 12cm pots grow on at 18C.
  • At 4 leaf stage pot into larger pots or growbags,
  • Train plants up a wire or canes.
  • Tips : Keep greenhouse moist. Feed regularly when fruit sets and keep well watered.
  • Harvest : June-October. Fruit will store for months in a cool, dry location.

Cucumber Curry recipeBurpee cucumber

Serves 2-3


1 cooking cucumber, peeled (Brocade)
1tsp fennel seeds
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp coriander seeds
1/2 tsp chilli powder
1/2 tsp ground turmeric
400ml of coconut milk
200ml vegetable stock
2 small green chillies, finely chopped
1 piece of cinnamon, 2cm long, broken in half or Ground cinnamon
2 small onions, finely chopped
8 curry leaves, fresh is best but use dried if they’re difficult to find
1/2 tsp dill
50ml of sunflower oil
Basmati rice
2 tbsp pilau rice seasoning (optional)


Dry Roast the spices – fennel seeds -coriander seeds & cumin seeds in a pan until golden and the beautiful aromatic come through then grind with a pestle & mortar to a powder. Mix the turmeric and the chili powder to it.

Slice the cucumber lengthways and remove the seeds with a teaspoon. Discard the seeds. Cut the cucumber on the angle into 1.5cm slices

In a pan, fry the cucumber with oil and season. Cook until golden for 8 -10 minutes on a low heat, add all the freshly ground spices, then add the coconut milk and vegetable stock, simmer together for 10 minutes, until cucumber is just tender

In a separate pan, cook the basmati rice until cooked to your taste, add the pilau rice seasoning (optional)

Heat the sunflower oil in a separate pan and, once hot, add the chopped onions, chopped red chillies & curry leaves . Fry over a medium heat for 5 minutes until the onions are golden, add the dill ,pour over the cucumber mix into the pan to finish off to a curry consistency.

To serve in a dish with the rice & enjoy!

Recipe devised for Burpee Europe by the chef Valerie Hamelin