Archive For The “American Travel” Category

The average British tourist heading for the US on vacation will likely have limited horizons. There is the Big Apple with the draw of bright lights and a nice bit of shopping. Stores are full of good-quality goods and they are affordable due to advantageous exchange rates. Florida has long been a magnet for sun-starved…

The Portland area was originally inhabited by two bands of Upper Chinook Native Americans. The Multnomah people settled on and around Sauvie Island, and the Cascades Indians settled along the Columbia Gorge. Oregon and its tribes were first ‘discovered’ by the expedition of Lewis and Clark in 1805-6. The site of Portland was known to…

This is a stunning little island that offers so much. There are hot golden beaches, cool and tranquil rain forests, history, food, adventure and entertainment. It’s an ideal Caribbean location for those with children. It’s safe, with a relaxed pace of life. Some folks like days filled with activities and others want to occupy themselves…

I am no expert on the Caribbean. Truth to tell, this was my first visit to the islands. Friends had described their vacations to some other Caribbean islands with enthusiasm, but those things over which they so passionately enthused kinda left me thinking that I might stay home! Perhaps it’s an age thing. I wanted…

I am not, by Oriana standards, a seasoned cruiser. I have only had three floating holidays to date and this was the first with P&O. Some of my fellow passengers had enjoyed up to 70 such trips and those with a score of a dozen or more were numerous! This company is obviously doing something,…

Food will likely be a big part of any holiday and may even be the deciding factor. Food tourism is gaining in popularity but even if we are not looking for a gastronomic trip garnished with tastings, visits to local producers and a sprinkling of artisan bakers, we still want good food when we return…

I lived in Montreal, on and off, for 3 years and I loved it. It’s a city that doesn’t often get a mention and that’s a shame: it’s an inspiring ethnic mix and the climate is….interesting! Today, 3rd August, it’s 73 degrees. Canada is famous for maple syrup and the Wintertime is when it’s in…

This site is called Mostly Food and Cocktails and the space that isn’t food will be filled with what I hope will interest and amuse you. Lots of travel and social history, and items like this book that encompass those topics and much more. Charles Langley has written this most unique and fascinating book, Meeting…

It’s quite a mouthful of a title and it’s a big chunky book. You could not present just a pamphlet on such an iconic and romantic road. The Complete Route 66, Lost and Found is an in-depth look at the history of Route 66 but equally important, the impact that rerouting of the road had…