China – A Cookbook


Here is a real winner of a cookbook from Lorenz Books, and it would make the perfect gift for any Chinese food lover!

ChinaChina – A Cookbook is a large and imposing tome which oozes quality. The red cover is emblazoned with a golden dragon and what could be more appropriate for this Chinese New Year? But that which is inside the cover is most important, and those recipes live up to the expectations raised by the dust cover.

Terry Tan is a well-respected writer and has compiled this comprehensive collection of dishes from across China. The cuisine of this vast country is diverse so there are bound to be a lot of recipes which will please those with simple tastes as well as gastronomes.

Each dish has an engaging anecdote or a piece of pertinent information. China – A Cookbook is also something of a travelogue and tempts one to make these delicious foods even if one can’t actually book a ticket and go!

Wonderful even on the plainest white plates

The text is large and perfect for kitchen use as one will surely want to cook from this volume. The photography adds to the pleasure, although few of us will have so many beautiful plates and bowls. Thankfully these recipes will look wonderful even on the plainest white plates that IKEA have to offer. Chinese food gives the truth to the saying ‘One eats with one’s eyes.’

I have quite a few favourite recipes from this book. I was already familiar with some, but others were new to me. Twice-cooked Pork will be a regular chez nous. It takes advantage of pork belly which, when cooked well, is flavourful and melting. Serve on noodles with some vibrant stir-fried veggies and one has a family dinner or even dinner party fare.

Seafood lovers are not forgotten, with plenty of enticing suggestions including Jade Prawns Chengdu-Style. Crispy Hot Whitebait would be perfect, not only as part of a full meal but also as nibbles with drinks.

A wok is always handy

China – A Cookbook is a flavoursome gem. It’s a gastronomic page-turner and full of dishes that, for the most part, are simple to prepare with ingredients which won’t break the bank. Many take advantage of commercially-available Chinese sauces, but don’t be put off and feel that there will be a lot of waste if one only uses half a jar of something or other. There is always the freezer for the next time one wants that same dish. There is no special equipment to buy, but a wok is always handy.

I love Chinese food so I was always going to be inspired by China – A Cookbook, but even those who are new to cooking Chinese food will find healthy meals which are quick to prepare – and that’s just what we need these days. Great value for £25.00 or less!

China – A Cookbook
Author: Terry Tan
Published by: Lorenz Books
Price: £25.00
ISBN-13: 978-0754831006