Easy Jose for Coffee

Subscription for your Cuppa Joe.

Easy Jose CoffeeWorking closely with remote indigenous communities, the Easy Jose mission is to support them in growing delicious speciality coffee. The company is mindful of the value of the forests and is active in their protection. Easy Jose strives to create a sustainable future for the indigenous communities with which they work.

Monthly Coffee Subscription

So you have tasted Easy Jose coffees and you have found them to be perfect, so how’s about a convenient subscription? It’s another thing to tick off the shopping list. The coffee arrives in attractive biodegradable packages. Delivery is monthly, with each batch being freshly roasted. Subscribers will receive exclusive discounts and free shipping on orders placed on the Easy Jose website.

All the speciality coffee is grown by the indigenous Mayni community in the foothills of the Amazon rainforests of eastern Peru. When buying this coffee, you’re supporting the work the community is undertaking to protect the forest.

Easy Jose mindful coffees make the perfect gift for those folks who don’t need new socks, and already have too many books and things to dust. Your name will be on their lips (along with the coffee) every morning when that enticing coffee aroma fills the kitchen. It’s the long-lasting gift of taste – and regard for the planet.

Visit Easy Jose here