Hyperdrink Freshness.
It’s winter, life is hectic, the world is crazy. We might all need a bit of a boost, and a company called Rebel Kitchen have some drinks and shots to maintain one’s health, with the aid of camu camu berries.
Sourced from the Amazon, camu camu berries are one of the world’s most nutrient-rich fruits, with 30 times more vitamin C than an orange, and full of natural antioxidants. Rebel Kitchen Camu® shots are the highest natural source of vitamin C in a shot drink that you can find!
The Amazon Rainforest in Peru is where the camu camu berry is found. It is a fruit that has been consumed by indigenous populations to aid in the prevention of illness and support immunity as well as having other benefits.
Highest levels of vitamin C
Camu camu berries are refreshingly sour fruits that grow wild in the Amazon Rainforest. They are found in flooded areas along riverbanks, lakeshores, and várzeas, which are plains flooded by whitewater rivers. The fruit contains one of the highest levels of vitamin C, which plays a key role in supporting the normal function of your immune system. At the same time it helps to maintain healthy blood vessels and is essential for collagen synthesis (this plays a role in the elasticity, strength and health of our skin). Vitamin C is also a natural antioxidant.
Using the whole fruit in pulp form, Rebel Kitchen cold-press the berries at their juicing facility in Kent. This helps retain the naturally-occurring nutrients and pink colour found in the fruit. The resulting delicious drinks are available in two different varieties: Immunity, to support your natural defences; and Immunity + Energy with added Vitamin B12 for when you need that extra boost. Grab it in a 60ml shot or 420ml dosing bottle.
Find these healthful drinks at Rebel Kitchen here