Sourdough Simplified

Foolproof Recipes & Techniques for Delicious, Stress-Free Baking.

Sourdough SimplifiedOh, deep joy! A sourdough book that is simple to understand, full of advice and perfectly sensible. Sourdough Simplified: Foolproof Recipes & Techniques for Delicious, Stress-Free Baking is just that!

I have been baking sourdough with varying results for quite a while… and gave up just a couple of months ago. Now, after getting into Anja Eckert’s book, I realise that I had been making extra work, and not even giving myself the best chance of presenting a loaf with great flavour (or any flavour at all) and acceptable texture (no more broken teeth for me). Yes, this volume is a godsend, and I will now have the confidence to start afresh with sourdough. This will be the perfect gift for anybody who has wanted to have a go and has been terrified into settling for the regular white sliced from the supermarket.

With over 40 years of experience, Anja shares her generations-old method for creating and maintaining a sourdough starter. It doesn’t have to be as much effort as looking after a puppy. There are no complicated measurements, constant feedings, or wasteful discards.

In this book, you will:

Learn a super simple method for creating a sourdough starter.
Master the art of maintaining a starter without the hassle.
Discover how to control the flavour and sourness of your bread.
Follow easy, beginner-friendly recipes that guarantee great results.
Feel confident and accomplished in your sourdough baking journey.

This book is perfect for beginners and practised bakers alike. Sourdough Simplified will give you confidence that you too can bake praiseworthy bread, but you will also be able to use your starter to make cakes, crackers and pancakes as well. Anja will have you baking delicious loaves while actually enjoying the process.

Sourdough Simplified: Foolproof Recipes & Techniques for Delicious, Stress-Free Baking by Anja Eckert is available on Amazon.