50 Classic Cocktails From the Decades of Decadence.
This book is a joy! Speakeasy Cocktails: 50 classic cocktails from the decades of decadence might be small in size but it forms, in my opinion, the serious (and not so serious) bar person’s essential tool.
If one is new to cocktail mixing then this volume provides the bedrock of mixology. If one is a seasoned maker of cocktails then this book will be appreciated for its wealth of classic drinks which are known and loved across the globe.
Prohibition, ironically, led to the golden age of cocktails. Many cocktails of that time were inspired by those of pre-Prohibition, but the dubious moonshine whiskeys and bathtub gins had to be masked with citrus and fruit juices, ginger ales, colas and other flavours. The result? Some of the most-loved and enduring classics that we enjoy today.
Speakeasy Cocktails is a curated collection of 50 recipes ranging from the iconic Dirty Martini to the zesty Southside and the decadent Manhattan, all organised by era of invention. With a deco-inspired foiled cover and photography throughout, this is the perfect gift for every cocktail lover, be they a novice bartender or seasoned mixologist. No bar should be without a copy of this book.
Speakeasy Cocktails: 50 classic cocktails from the decades of decadence
Author: Scot Robertson
Published by: Hamlyn
Price: £8.99
ISBN-13: 978-0600638476