Posts Tagged “baked”

Cadbury Mini Eggs in Chocolate Cookies. Seems we have just finished St Valentine’s Day and now shops are filled with Easter bunnies, and eggs of every size. But this year supermarkets are presenting something a little different and dangerously delicious – Cadbury Mini Eggs Chocolate Cookies. These chocolatey delights (made by Baker & Baker) offer…

Apricot Crostata. The founder of Crosta & Mollica, James, was working for a company that imported Italian fruit and he was lucky enough to travel to every region of Italy to meet fruit farmers. He was impressed by the passion they had for their food. Inspired by both lifestyle and ingredients, Crosta & Mollica was…

Subscribe to Sweet Treats. What do you buy somebody who has everything? Lemon Macarons? Hot Cross Buns? Doughnuts? They can have all those and more from Mon Dessert. There are options for buying these delicious dessert kits: one can pick specific packages or just the equipment, and buy individually or even on subscription. The company…