Posts Tagged “Borough Market”

It’s a bright English summer day. A perfect time to enjoy the delicious and colourful delights of the celebrated Borough Market. It was first mentioned in 1276, although the market claims to have been around since early in the 11th century, and possibly even before that. During the 19th century it became one of London’s…
Roast is a very aptly named restaurant in London’s famed Borough Market. That might conjure images of a steamy-windowed greasy-spoon cafe (note no accent over the ‘e’ so pronounced to rhyme with safe). Roast could not be further from that vinyl vision. The menu here celebrates the best of British food and that includes roasts…

We have been told, and I believe, that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We need to have fuel to catapult ourselves onto the unsuspecting world. We need to be energised and replete with foods that hopefully someone else has prepared. Breakfast away from home offers many advantages. Britain was for many…

Iqbal Wahhab, now OBE, (awarded that high honour in recognition of his public service and services for promotion of the hospitality industry) is a man famously passionate about food as well as society in general. The Times has described him as “a National Treasure”. He uses his position for the benefit of many and we…