Posts Tagged “Brussels”

From Sainsbury’s Bring out the natural nutty flavour of sprouts with whole chestnuts, leeks and earthy sage. Serves: 8 Preparation time: 5 Minutes Cooking time: 12 Minutes Ingredients: 25g unsalted butter 1 tablespoon olive oil 10g fresh sage leaves, shredded, reserving 4 whole leaves to garnish 500g leeks, sliced thickly on the…

9 December 2019 – Tevuren – near Brussels. Originally inaugurated for the Brussels International Exhibition of 1897, Charles Girault, architect of the Petit Palais in Paris was called upon to design the Africa Museum , completed in 1910. In 2013, the Museum closed for an extensive renovation and rebuild. Some 5 years later, the building…

Pieter Bruegel produced unique works which are still easily recognised today. They reflect the reality of the 16th Century in northern Europe – and that was often brutal. Brussels and Bruegel will forever be associated. He undertook some of his most important works there and he is buried in the city. He had needed to…