Posts Tagged “ChicP”

It’s Hummus Day! Well, who knew? But if every other mode of employment, family member, alcoholic beverage or dog can have its day then there is every reason to pronounce a ‘Hummus Day’ too! ChicP present a range of truly addictive spreads that work as meal ingredients as well. Founded by Hannah McCollum, ChicP is…

Here we are again with a fresh offering from one of my favourite young companies – ChicP. They have become celebrated for their pots of unique and delicious hummus but now they are presenting something a little more solid: ChicP Veggie Bites! These addictive nuggets will likely ween your family away from less healthy options….

Founded by Hannah McCollum, ChicP is a company that is taking a fresh look at a vegetarian favourite. This young company was set up to expand the ‘healthy dips’ offering in supermarkets. Hummus has become something of a staple with those who love the flavour and texture of chickpeas. But ChicP has enhanced that standard…