Posts Tagged “children”

It’s snowy in London and it does rather give the impression of a Christmas landscape. At that time of year one’s fancy might turn to a theatre trip with the kids – nothing taxing like King Lear, but perhaps a children’s classic like Pinocchio might fit the bill? The National Theatre has the ideal production,…

This is an amusing book that offers tiny food. You will likely not have heard of that term, but think bite-sized portions of a whole variety of dishes, including some that you didn’t ever think could be reduced to one or two mouthfuls. Tiny Food Party offers suggestions for tiny food, but the party can…

Feeding children. That starts being traumatic at about the time they learn to speak. “No, don’t won’ it”, “yucky”, “I fink it’s too green” are all familiar kid-speak terms for “Mummy, I would rather not eat that today”, “It will do nothing to engage my appetite” and “I find it visually unappealing”. Force-feeding is illegal,…

There can be few of us who are not aware of the changing shape of the younger generation. They are often taller but more of them than ever are overweight, not by just a pound or two but by enough to significantly impair their health. The CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organization in Australia)…

A couple of generations of children have missed out on real cooking lessons in the UK. Kids might know all about nutrition but there are many people who have never had the chance to learn how to prepare a meal. It’s no wonder that the obesity rate has increased to embarrassing proportions, and that many…

Don’t get alarmed, dear reader, Cooking with Kids isn’t suggesting that you have children as the main or even incidental ingredient. No, this is about encouraging your youngsters into the kitchen and teaching them skills that will serve them well through life. Many of us rue the day when cookery lessons were abolished. Pupils were…

This book by Annabel Karmel is a bright, fun and charming volume that you will probably have to wrestle away from your little ones. The kids might not be doing all the cooking but it’s the kind of book that will fill them with lots of oooohh and aaahhs and “I’d like that, Mum”. Annabel…

This is a little cracker! The author, Gervase Phinn, has spent most of his working life surrounded by children, having been both a teacher and a school inspector. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Stars is a compilation of stories that reflect the unique picture of the world from a child’s point of view. It’s hilarious but manages…

This is such a lovely dolly-mixture-coloured volume that I am considering adopting a few kids just to have the excuse to throw a party for them! The photography by Thayer Allyson Gowdy is charming and remarkable when one considers the difficulty of taking a good picture of children doing anything other than sleeping! The Author,…