Posts Tagged “Chinatown”

Chinatown in Soho London throngs with tourists and locals every day of the week. This isn’t, however, the first Chinatown in London. The original Chinese area was in the East end of the capital in Limehouse. That run-down neighbourhood suffered severe bombing during the Second World War, forcing many Chinese to find another home. The…

This restaurant has been open a couple of years and is a sophisticated spot for smart-casual dining; but one starts the culinary adventure before one even reaches the table. The open dim sum kitchen is your introduction to the eponymous creations Dumplings of Dumplings’ Legend. The restaurant is a contemporary vision of white with mirrors….

I have been exploring London’s Chinatown over the past weeks and it’s been an unexpected pleasure. Although I have had meals there in the past they were few and far between, and they were more in the line of ‘any port in a storm’ than a planned epicurean outing. Chinatown is growing into a creditable…

We in London have always been open to diverse cuisines. The fish and chips that are considered to be so iconic are a melange of other European dishes but because we appreciated their delicious qualities we didn’t hesitate to make them our own. Then there was chicken tikka masala, which was a hybrid from the…

This unassuming restaurant is easily missed. It sits on a side street off the main Chinatown thoroughfare although it still manages to attract a loyal following from the local and not-so-local Malaysian community. It’s evident that food rather than decor is the draw here. It isn’t over-themed with Chinese lanterns and calligraphy. There is not…

I know there are some good restaurants in and around Chinatown but they are famously few and far between. It’s a universal truth that the best food in any city will not be found in areas where business is supported by tourists. Those folks are a one-time hit: the restaurants don’t expect them to return…

Chinese food – but not as we know it! What picture do we conjure up when we think of a Sunday morning in Chinatown in London? For most of us it’s steaming plates of noodles, perhaps succulent dim sum or richly lacquered duck hanging like mahogany curios in shop windows! An equally correct view would…