Posts Tagged “fudge”

All-round confectionery pleasure It will soon be Christmas and those festive days are usually laced with sweet treats to bring joy to all the family …well, apart from those who want a dairy-free diet. Buttermilk is a curiously named company with a mission to spoil everybody equally. The whole family can share Buttermilk have created…

It’s soon going to be Father’s Day and there is that dilemma. Men are often difficult when trying to find the perfect gift. Socks are handy but not exactly original. Chocolate is always appreciated but perhaps you used that idea for Mother’s Day. But I bet some quality fudge will hit the spot. Fudge Kitchen…

Well, where did that year go? Seems like it was just a couple of weeks ago we were enjoying summer barbecues in blazing sunshine. Now the dark evenings are long, and the air has a chill. It’s the festive season, or will be in a moment. Its Copperpot Fudge for Christmas! So, thoughts move from…