Posts Tagged “Fulham”

Stagolee’s is an American restaurant and we have plenty of those in the UK, ranging from dubious to excellent in quality. But Stagolee’s is unlike all those other US-inspired eateries. This spot will introduce the diner to a different face of American food but a truly authentic one, and you’ll likely not find these vibrant…

Yes, dear reader, this is a chain restaurant and I make no apologies for reviewing a Thai Square. Why do chains become chains? Because they become popular. And why are they popular? Because they’re good. Thai Square has been around for a few years now and they have not dropped their standards one bit. The…

Fulham is trendy these days, but it wasn’t always such a sought-after address. In 879 Danish invaders had a winter break at Fulham and Hammersmith. Fulham during the 18th century had a reputation of debauchery, prostitution and gambling. My grandfather lived in Fulham at the start of the 20th century and he was a part-time…

It’s rare that I visit restaurants more that once for reviews. If I do it’s because they have food festivals to cover, an event to promote or a new menu. Seasoning in Fulham was worthy of a second bite just because, well, it’s Seasoning. Owner Salil Bhatia arrived in the UK in 1988. He enjoyed…

The very first Masala Zone restaurant was the Soho branch which opened in 2000. There are now 7 Masala Zones in London with more to follow. They seem to fill a long-felt gastronomic want for a good-value contemporary Indian restaurant with authentic food and unique ambiance. Masala Zone provides that, with each of its restaurants…

My advice would be to book your table now! Seasoning will very soon be busting at the seams with discerning customers who are looking for fine food, and décor to match. Seasoning does not scream stereotypical Indian restaurant. It projects cool class, or uncluttered chic with a hint of stylish subcontinent. There is a quite…