Posts Tagged “gadget”

T.G. Green & Co was founded by Thomas Goodwin Green of Boston, Lincolnshire, in around 1864. His money came from business in Australia but Mr Green returned to England to marry Mary Tenniel. She was the sister of illustrator Sir John Tenniel whose work could be seen in Punch magazine and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland….

Aimed at the informed palette, simple condiments are raised to dizzy heights with these carefully selected gourmet salt and pepper combinations. Each A’Rom Moulin is all the more tantalising for the addition of highly flavoured luxury ingredients. A’Rom Moulin – a mouthwatering array Season sophisticated summer salads and raise the barbecue bar with freshly-milled combinations…

The name might not initially offer much of a clue as to what exactly Meater+ might be. No, dear cynical and lonely reader, it’s not a dating agency for carnivores, but rather the best kitchen gadget I have ever found. We eat meat at home, but not very often. When we do, that meal is…

Professional Secrets have the ultimate kitchen thermometer and it’s just the perfect time of year when such a thing will be most appreciated. Think of that Christmas Turkey and how good it can be …and how bad it can be. I confess! For years I never felt the need to use a kitchen thermometer. I…

These are sturdy scissors and perfect for all those projects around the house that might need good blades and a bit of strength. But they are particularly useful in the kitchen where they offer a safe alternative to a sharp and heavy-duty knife. Smart Sizzors can also be used by youngsters who are showing a…

Introducing unique milling technology, durable mechanisms and superior construction from Cole & Mason salt and pepper mills. It is called Precision System and gives optimum control to adjust salt and pepper grinds from fine to coarse. You can mill confidently with the lifetime mechanism guarantee. Expertly engineered, each mill delivers fresh grounds, bringing real flavour…