Posts Tagged “Germany”

Mainz – arrive by River – travel review

Mainz – arrive by River  – travel review

This is a beautiful and cultured city and accessible from the river. One walks a few yards from the Rhine and the history of Mainz unfolds. There are 2000 years of human habitation here so plenty to discover. During World War II about 80 percent of the city’s centre, including most of the historic buildings,…

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Federweisser und Zwiebelkuchen – recipe

Federweisser und Zwiebelkuchen – recipe

Sounds like a bit of a mouthful – Federweisser und Zwiebelkuchen – and indeed it is: a delicious mouthful …and glassful. Federweisser is German for feather white and refers to the cloudy wine which is still fermenting (although that wine has a hint of yellow about it). The prospect of sipping a still-fermenting wine might…

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Travels in Germany with MS Jane Austen – travel review

Travels in Germany with MS Jane Austen – travel review

It sounds like the title of a Victorian novel – Travels with MS Jane Austen! Well, it is actually a few words about a delightful cruise, rather than about a literary excursion with a famous author. All the cruises in this collection from Riviera offer return travel and transfers, so it couldn’t be easier to…

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