Posts Tagged “grill”

Wild and Game for burgers and more Wild and Game is the Somerset-based not-for-profit company working to turn the UK into a nation of game eaters. While game season is traditionally the time to enjoy game, Wild and Game produces frozen products, making it possible to enjoy these healthy, delicious meats at any time of…

Chicken is the world’s best-loved meat. When I was a kid, many decades ago, we only had chicken on Sundays as a treat; these days the price is affordable and accessible to all. Chickens are easily bred on small plots of land or in back yards. Yes, it’s a Yardbird. Chicken and Charcoal: Yakitori, Yardbird,…

From Whole Foods Market Serves 6 This tasty noodle bowl can be made almost completely outdoors; it only needs one small pot of boiling water…which you may be able to heat on your grill. Ingredients 1/3 cup apricot fruit spread 1/4 cup ketchup 3 tablespoons soy sauce 2 limes, divided 1 eggplant, cut…

Now, just wait – I know you’ll likely ignore this book. ‘Campfire Cuisine’ – you probably think that’s a book for rugged sorts: thick socks, hiking boots, woolly hats with solar cells, and that’s not you. But how about ‘Gourmet Recipes’? Well, that’s bound to be yoghurt, free-range vegetables and knitted meat substitute, isn’t it?…

Burgers are comforting. We graze on mass-produced patties of variable quality, and I have never had an objection in principle to fast-food burgers as long as the customer eats them as a treat. We blame the mass-produced burger for rising obesity rates but one burger a month does not a chubby diner make. Part of…

A restaurant anywhere that has endured for 94 years or so must be worth visiting. A restaurant of that vintage in London should have statues erected and probably have its own anthem. Not sure what that might be, but perhaps “When Irish eyes are smiling.” Bentley’s welcomed its first guests in 1916. One commiserates with…