Posts Tagged “Hong Kong”

Chicken and Charcoal: Yakitori, Yardbird, Hong Kong

Chicken and Charcoal: Yakitori, Yardbird, Hong Kong

Chicken is the world’s best-loved meat. When I was a kid, many decades ago, we only had chicken on Sundays as a treat; these days the price is affordable and accessible to all.  Chickens are easily bred on small plots of land or in back yards. Yes, it’s a Yardbird. Chicken and Charcoal: Yakitori, Yardbird,…

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Alvin Leung – Bo Innovation Hong Kong, and Bo London – interview

Alvin Leung – Bo Innovation Hong Kong, and Bo London – interview

Bo London will be the next venture headed by “demon chef” Alvin Leung. He could just as easily be described as “the Man in Black” due to his habitual costume, although not his personality. He is an easy chap to like, with a dry sense of humour and engaging manner. He was in the UK…

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