Posts Tagged “Japanese food”
Exploring Japan’s Food Replica Culture 2 October 2024 – 16 February 2025 A UK-first exhibition looking at this highly-skilled craft unique to Japan with over 100 years of history Food replicas are hyper-realistic, often indistinguishable from the real thing The exhibition features newly commissioned works, including 47 replicas– one speciality for every prefecture of Japan…

Savoury Shiro Miso. We have been enjoying Japanese food in restaurants for years and now we have easy access to online ingredients from Japan Centre. Miso is an iconic food, and its delicious umami enhances so many dishes both European and Japanese. But what is Miso? It is a nutrient-rich, flavourful and versatile paste and…

Classic and Versatile. Japanese food is more popular than ever, and Japan Centre offers all the ingredients for authentic Japanese dishes. Tofu is a traditional food and there is a good selection here. Tofu is found in a variety of forms from soft and jelly-like to firm and robust – but what exactly is tofu…

Japan Centre Treats. Who doesn’t love a donut or even a doughnut? They are perfect when we crave something sweet and just for us in an individual serving. Japan Centre offers their Mochi Donuts, and they tick those two boxes and add beauty in unique fashion, too. Mochi Donuts from Japan Centre are freshly made…

Healthy and elegant recipes. From the author of global bestseller Japan: The Cookbook, here in Japan: The Vegetarian Cookbook we are introduced to more than 250 delicious, healthy vegetarian Japanese recipes for home cooks everywhere. Nancy Singleton Hachisu is a unique food writer, being a Westerner who lives in Japan – and has done for…

Japan Centre has the answer. I love Japanese food and many people say they do too. There is very much more to this cuisine than sushi and sashimi. There are hot dishes as well, and they are delicious and easy to prepare when one has the fixin’s. Okonomiyaki is a favourite in Japan and now…

Japan Centre – A 1-stop shop I love Japan and when I can’t be there, I cook Japanese food at home. It’s not difficult to make authentic Japanese food but it’s made even easier if one has access to the best ingredients. The Japan Centre in London offers all the culinary support you will ever…

Japanese food has become popular in the UK over these last few years. We can find sushi on every high street and ramen shops are everywhere. We want to learn more about Japanese food and we want to cook it at home. Japan Centre has an online grocery store to supply all one’s needs along…

Fluffy Japanese pancakes with a hint of aromatic maple syrup! Showa Mochicco’s pancake mix uses 100% Hokkaido wheat flour and has a moist, fluffy and pleasant texture. To conserve freshness, this pack contains 4 individual bags of pancake mix with the enticing aroma of maple syrup and butter. Its special recipe makes the pancakes moist…

“When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his noodles.” Well, I couldn’t put it better myself! A visit to the Kabuto web page is worth it not only for the food but also for the Zenish sayings. Those ramen noodles will linger just as long in the memory, too….

wagamama announces plans for safe return to dine-in using ingenious innovation Stay Safe the wagamama Way Oh, how I have missed wagamama. Many of their branches are opening over these next weeks, but one can still enjoy their food via delivery or click-and-collect. wagamama announces plans to re-open their dine-in operation using ingenious sliding screens…