Posts Tagged “Johnny Acton”

If ever there was a cookbook review I wanted to get right it’s this one. Johnny Acton and Nick Sandler are two very witty and talented cookbook authors. Although elevated to something approaching stardom on this site (perhaps that’s a bit much but their Preserved book was very nice), those two chaps bow to the…

I love bottling, jam-making, marmalade-making and the like and I have quite a few books on the subject but Preserved is a little different. It considers all preserved foods and doesn’t have a focus just on making tasty sweet things, although there are still plenty of those to be found within these covers. Nick Sandler…

Sounds like a recipe book from an old Arizona ranch. The Branded Cookbook is, in fact, a colourful, slightly retro, periodically Andy Warholish cookbook which concentrates on famous and iconic foods. It’s utterly unique, quirky, well designed and full of delicious and surprising ideas. The authors Nick Sandler and Johnny Acton have an amazing breadth…