Posts Tagged “New York”

Did you ever watch the movie ‘Moonstruck’ with Cher? It’s one of my top ten films of all time. Much of the action is set in the family kitchen – a room of significant proportions and a great deal of charm. We witness breakfast being made (in fact a couple of those) and dinner being…

It’s getting near Christmas so it’s nice to be able to review a book with a seasonal ring to it. No it isn’t a book of holiday recipes. Balthazar was said to be one of the Three Wise Men, but it’s also the name of a rather smart New York restaurant frequented by the likes…

If you have only ever had one trip to the States then chances are you visited New York (unless you have kids in which case you might have chosen Florida or California for either Disneyland or Disneyworld). It’s probable you would have limited yourself to the city and that is reasonable for your first visit…