Posts Tagged “Paul Hartley”

This is a jolly book and it’s not often a cookbook is described in that fashion. It almost has the feel of an old-fashioned Christmas Annual. It’s vibrant with bold colour and iconic images of products which have stood the test of time for taste and package design. It’s penned by Paul Hartley who has…

Paul Hartley has penned several brand cookbooks including the Lyles Golden Syrup Cookbook and the HP Sauce Cookbook (both reviewed on this site), Marmite Cookbook and Heinz Tomato Ketchup Cookbook. It’s probably safe to say that Paul has an eye for iconic and popular products. Guinness – An Official Celebration of 250 Remarkable Years offers…

We are talking “serious” condiment! These distinctive bottles have been an indispensible addition to tables of greasy spoon cafes all over Britain and beyond. They have been gracing homes where the tangy taste made bland food more appetising. The sauce has garnished innumerable cheese sandwiches and made the perfect accompaniment to meat pies at football…