Posts Tagged “preserving”

Home Charcuterie: Make your own bacon, sausages, salami and other cured meats So many more people are becoming interested in home food preparation. It could be making bread, baking cakes or growing veggies. Home Charcuterie: Make your own bacon, sausages, salami and other cured meats has been published in timely fashion to give advice on…

Diana Henry is an accomplished food writer, and Salt Sugar Smoke does justice to her evident skill and passion. It’s a book you will intend to just dip into but you will likely find, as I have done, that it’s a culinary page-turner of inspiration and striking photography. This book is pertinent to the times….

This is a bumper volume of well over 200 pages of recipes, and the stunning photographs by France Ruffenach make this a coffee-table-quality book. Its American authors Rick Field and Rebecca Courchesne offer a slightly different perspective on preserving from our traditional British one. Bottling and preserving has enjoyed something of a revival over the…

I love bottling, jam-making, marmalade-making and the like and I have quite a few books on the subject but Preserved is a little different. It considers all preserved foods and doesn’t have a focus just on making tasty sweet things, although there are still plenty of those to be found within these covers. Nick Sandler…

Well, the name says it all, Jams and Chutneys – Preserving the Harvest, and Thane Prince has penned this book choc-a-bloc with ideas, recipes and technical know-how. Follow the advice and by the end of the year your shelves will be bending under the weight of bottled goods. Thane grew up in the countryside when…