Posts Tagged “rum”

Mauritius is a beautiful island but there is still that temptation to stay within the confines of one’s luxury and well-appointed resort. That would be a shame as there is so much to see here. There is history aplenty and also celebrated rhum. No that’s not a spelling mistake but rather an indication that this…

Strawberry Daiquiri From BBC Food The sweetness of fruit and the kick of lime make this classic Strawberry Daiquiri a real crowd pleaser of a cocktail. Ingredients 4 fresh strawberries, plus ½ strawberry to garnish 2 tsp white sugar 35ml/1½fl oz white rum 1 tbsp strawberry liqueur 25ml/1fl oz lime juice Method Place the…

Many, in the past, viewed Aldi as something of bargain basement supermarket, but that perception is changing. Yes, they sport attractive price tags on their goods but that, at least in my experience of the spirits department, doesn’t indicate a lowering of standards – just the price. Old Hopking Dark Rum is another Aldi gem….

The 15th century saw the dawn of the Age of Discovery, a time when European powers began exploring the world to find new lands and new opportunities. Portugal was in the vanguard of this drive, sailing southwards in their case down the west coast of Africa. So it wasn’t long (1419 to be precise) before…

Well, here is a rather different rum. Bumbu has great shelf appeal with a bottle and oversized cork which have as much to do with swashbuckling pirates and Errol Flynn as contemporary drinks marketing. The black glass is embossed with the company name, and a metal ‘X’ flies like a pirate’s insignia right in the…

A small glass of El Dorado 12-year-old Rum by Demerara Distillers will waft the lucky sipper back to the days of sailing ships and sugar plantations, and perhaps some romantic pirates. Guyana has always produced rich rums, and this bottle is a fine example of what many of us would view as an adult and…

Abelha means ‘bee’ in Portuguese and the striking label offers a swarm of them on this bottle of Abelha Organic Cachaça. It speaks to one of summer days, nature, wholesome pleasures, and all of those happen to be found in Brazil from where this characterful spirit hails. Cachaça is a popular spirit which some describe…