Posts Tagged “seasonal”

Indian is perhaps my favourite cuisine. To be honest though, saying that one is going out for an ‘Indian’ tonight is as ridiculous as saying one is going out for a ‘European’ tonight. Think about the size of that country and you will realise that there must be many cuisines with their own characteristics and…

Maria Elia, author of Full of Flavour, is a celebrated chef. She has written several other cookbooks and has graced our TV screens presenting her delicious dishes that have been inspired by her Anglo-Cypriot heritage. Yes, she is an accomplished food professional. Full of Flavour is something of a departure from the usual chef cookbook. They…

Romilla Arber has penned this second book to raise money for a very worthy cause. I am sure you will agree, because you are an enthusiastic cook, or you wouldn’t be a regular visitor here. The cause is The Food Education Trust which helps to teach people how to cook, and that ability is surely…

Readers Digest never put a foot wrong. They might, however, not be the first books you reach for when browsing the cookery section of your local and no doubt well-stocked bookshop. Cookery Year is a fine example of a book that could so easily be overlooked. It hasn’t got an associated TV series. The author…

I try and be a polite considerate reviewer, ever mindful of the needs of my discerning reader. I tend to avoid authors from non-catering backgrounds with small publishers. I’d hate to say something negative about someone’s life’s work, their passion, their literary baby… so I don’t publish the review. Here I was, once again, with…

You might not recognise the name Paula McIntyre but she is, in fact, one of Northern Ireland’s top chefs. Paula trained at the Johnson and Wales Culinary Arts School in the USA before opening the award-winning Undrie restaurant in Manchester. She now gives private and corporate cooking lessons at Ghan House, Carlingford in Northern Ireland….

This isn’t just about cooking food slowly although it is indeed that, it’s about using a slow cooker. It’s a great way to cook as it allows you to get the meal going and just leave it for a few hours. It uses very little power so it’s safe to leave switched on for a…

Four Seasons Cookery Book is a classic and enjoying a revival, although, truth to tell, it has never been out of favour with lovers of food and a well-penned cookbook. Margaret Costa wrote Four Seasons Cookery Book in 1970 but the concept of eating seasonally is now more popular than ever, and this new edition…

This is a sumptuous, large-format book. The pages are spacious and colourful with some of the best quality photographs around. There are more than 300 pictures that have added much to the lovely recipes by Bridget Jones. The book is, as it says, about seasonal cooking and so is divided into the four seasons, but…