Posts Tagged “seeds”

Cucumber ‘Prolific’ (sometimes also known as ‘Brocade’) A fascinating and useful cucurbit originating in South East Asia. It is a versatile variety known locally as ‘Sambar Southekai’ that can be used in a wide range of dishes. Fruits can be stored in cool dry conditions for months after harvest. Plants are similar in growth to…

Salad toppers for flavour and texture We have all heard it – we must eat more vegetables. We understand the message but for many it’s a big leap. The prospect of a boring salad sends us directly to the phone to talk to the nice chap at the Pizza shop. Good 4U Salad Toppers elevate…

It is that time of year when we are all enjoying the great outdoors, which must mean tucking in to picnics with gusto too … hurray! And as the mode du jour for 2021 is bringing the inside out…it is not only food that we can grow for our dining table in the sun, but…

The Burpee Seeds Europe have the perfect courgette and recipe to shout about on this ‘National Vegetarian Week’. Courgette ‘Butterstick’ is a beautiful summer hybrid variety that has prolific plants with single-stem habit and a long harvest period. It has superb performance, flavour, and wide adaptability. Sow: March-MayGermination: Up to 21 days Harvest: June –…

Warming Butternut Soup. It’s Autumn Equinox today…so let’s get that soup pan bubbling for a home-grown tasty treat! We are now in the season of reaping the rewards of the seeds that we have sown for our autumn bounty of vegetables. We cannot wait to get cooking some good, healthy, comfort food. Now is the…

Courgette and Peppers to Tickle the Taste Buds from Burpee Seeds Europe Not only does growing your own bring you a sense of achievement and wellbeing, but vegetables also keep much more of their vitamins when eaten quickly after harvesting. The courgette and pepper below are the perfect additions to a superb recipe (at the…