Posts Tagged “Zwiebelkuchen”

Federweisser und Zwiebelkuchen

Federweisser und Zwiebelkuchen

by Chrissie Walker   Sounds like a bit of a mouthful – Federweisser und Zwiebelkuchen – and indeed it is: a delicious mouthful …and glassful. Federweisser is German for feather white and refers to the cloudy wine which is still fermenting (although that wine has a hint of yellow about it). The prospect of sipping…

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Federweisser und Zwiebelkuchen – recipe

Federweisser und Zwiebelkuchen – recipe

Sounds like a bit of a mouthful – Federweisser und Zwiebelkuchen – and indeed it is: a delicious mouthful …and glassful. Federweisser is German for feather white and refers to the cloudy wine which is still fermenting (although that wine has a hint of yellow about it). The prospect of sipping a still-fermenting wine might…

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