It’s that time of year again! Summer is over and the lush greens of the garden have faded. Young Living Essential Oils have a host of culinary oils including Parsley, and it’s perfect not only for salad dressings but cocktails as well – and those mixed drinks will remind one of warmer seasons.
Parsley pairs so well with the sharpness of citrus
Young Living Essential Parsley Oil is a marvellous addition to any bartender’s kit. It’s potent stuff so just one drop goes a long way. Now it’s easy to create mixed drinks with clean flavours and that parsley pairs so well with the sharpness of citrus. Mix a shot of well-chilled vodka along with lemon juice and parsley oil, shake together, serve in a frosty Martini glass garnished with a strip of lemon peel pinned with a fresh flat parsley leaf… or simply with a parsley floater. Less is more!
Dozens of potential drinks in each little bottle
These essential oils open a host of cocktail possibilities. They are easy to use, and you don’t need more than a suspicion of the oil. I would suggest 1 drop to start, when infusing and shaking cocktails for two drinks. Young Living products are great value for money with dozens of potential drinks in each little bottle. A wonderful gift for any budding mixologist. But then there is still that salad dressing when the weather warms up!